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1. Fix and Flips


Invest with us when we fix and flip homes.  Typical returns are 8-15% and projects usual finish within 3-12 months.

2. Invest and hold properties


We buy single family homes, duplexes, and apartment buildings  to keep in our portfolio.   We fully renovate the properties and fill them with paying tenants.   We do all the work you get a steady return typically at 8-10%.  These investments require at least 3 years commitment.

3. Buy your own cash flow property​


Ready to take the big leap and own your own cashflowing property?  Let us help you find the right property for you.

4. Under 30k Investments


We have many investment opportunites under 30k.  These returns are typically 8-10% and can range anwhere from 1 year to 3 years.

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